In my opinion, several singles have struck a deep chord in my heart.
As a singer, but not musician, I become fascinated by the gentle strum of the guitar or enchanting rhythm of something electric. Not to miss out the vocal harmonies blending together to make your pulse skip a beat.
So, here's my top 5 favourite at the moment:
1: C O O L by Le Youth
2: Cavalier by James Vincent Mcmorrow
3: Latch by Disclosure
4: Us Against Whatever by Ghostpoet
5: Le Kwa Ukwu by Iyana
6: Look Right Through by Snow Queen (MK Dub III)
7: Feel Good by Gorillaz
8: By Your Side by Sam
9: Wake Up by All Sons and Daughters
10: Last but not least (literally) Stunner by Milky Chance